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Professional Communication Skills Class

Professional Communication Skills Class is one of the class that I get in Degree Course. In this subject I learn how to do good and professional presentation.

This subject can help me to improve my self-esteem, confident and knowledge about communication skills.

Moreover, I also learn about how to create a good content so it can attract more people attention. Beside that, the most important of this subject is how to present what I want to say to other people in professional way.

Doing presentation needs confident which can help to convince the audience about my content. It also need enough loud voice, eye contact, movement and good appearances.

The first assignment was group presentation. In this presentation we can use previous project to make the presentation. It is created in the real condition where we need to sell our idea branding to the real client.

At that time my group presented the live project FOCAL POINT MALL REBRANDING. In this group presentation, we need to explain why a brand need to do rebranding. We did the research to find the fact that rebranding is very important and can help increase the income of the brand itself.

The final assignment was individual presentation and I chose plastic surgery as my topic.


At the beginning I explain what plastic surgery is, common plastic surgery for teens, and why people like doing plastic surgery. In this presentation I learn more too about plastic surgery by finding some facts about it. At the end of presentation, I also put my opinion based on what I have researched before.

When I do the presentation, I try to be confident to convey my information, speak in front of people and do eye contact with them. However, I can't lie that I am nervous that time. I don't do too much movement to attract people attention, because I am more focus on the click of the next slides.

From this assignment I learn how to do presentation in professional way, more confident with my information which I want to say, more doing eye contact with audiences and try to calm down when I forget what I want to say.

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