Creative Thinking Class
Creative Thinking Class is one of subject that I got in the first term of Degree course.
This is a big class, because there are more than 2 classes in one class.
I'm happy to meet and to see new friends who come from different course.
Creative Thinking Class is a subject which let the student to learn more about creative thinking way. As a designer, we need to be creative. In this class, in every exercise that e get from the lecturer, it should be solved and be done in creative way. Almost of the projects and the exercises are group project.
There are 2 main of assignments that we need to do. The first one is doing Weekly Journal and the second project is APPS Design (group project).
Every week, the students need to write what they have learned in class.
This is the introduction week which we need to write our name and stick it on our T-shirt.
The lecturer explained about what creativity is, how to be a creative person, how the brain working is, get some quotes and doing some small exercise.
The first challenge was Marshmallow Challenge. In this challenge we need to build a tall tower using 20 pasta sticks, 1 meter of tape, 1 meter of string and 1 marshmallow (should put on the top). Before go home, the lecturer invited us to play games. This is good experience in the first week.
In week 2, we learned about left and right brains, what's the different and how it is working. The group challenge was drawing apple in different position. After that, doing individual exercise which is doing brainstorming of myself. The second group exercise is brainstorming about poptabs, what we can do with the poptabs.
We learned about Mental Block which means a condition where our brains define the problems too narrow, so we need to open our mind, assume that there's only one solution. Moreover, we also learned about how to improve the creative capabilities, such as keep your idea all the times, pose question to yourself, , keep up with the trend in your field and engage with your hobbies. There are 2 challenges for week 3. The first challenge is we need to write a thing which starts with our name letter and make a group. The second challenge is tell about our childhood, teenager and nowadays.
We learned about the basic creative thinking strategies, share our weekly journal, and SCAMPER. In group challenge, we need to discuss about our problems and find the solutions.
In this week, the lecturer talk more about positive thinking, how to change negative thinking into positive thinking and change all the negative thinking into questions. Moreover, there's 3 B's such as BUS, BED and BATH the places that we might be find inspirations and idea. There are 4 steps to do incubate, such as identify, prepare, instruct and incubate. The challenge of this week is to do like interview with the classsmate and we can do as interviewer, note taker and customer.
In this week, we talk more about IDEAS, why idea is very important, how to get idea, what is the kind of idea. There are 4 ways to get insights, following our currousity, observing coincidences, making connections, and noticing contradictions. We also did rapid research where we need to do quick interview with other people about their daily transportation. There are 6 THINKING HATS such as Positivity, Control, Risks, Creativity, White and Emotions. The task of this exercise is to create TAXI APP which can make the customer easier.
The lecturer introduced to the students some apps which can be used for the final project, such as Inspr app and POP app. We also think about our SWOB (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Barries) and share it to other friends.
My group created TRAVEL GO for the transportation app.
We need to write our own SWOB Analysis, then the lecturer explains the awesome way to create an app. After that we do discussion about the final project. We decide to create health food app and workout app as one app. Our plans are put calories info, breakfast menu, lunch menu, dinner menu and health snack menu, recipe cooking + video, purchase online in the health food. In workout app we put introduction, calories info + video, lever workout. In agenda pat, we put alarm and notes.
After doing interview with strangers, we update we some features, so the app can be more easier to use.
This is the last week for us to write the weekly journal. In this class, the lecturer wants to see the progress of final project. Beside of the app design, we need to create presentation for week 10. In another week, we success to do the presentation, showing the brainstorming, our ideas, the researches and facts, showing the progress and also show the digital prototype of the app.
In the last week which is week 11, the lecturer did the short interview to know what we have learned in the class.
Overall, I enjoy this class, because I can meet new friends, share with them, get a lot of knowledge, inspirations, experiences, motivations and information about creative thinking. All the challenges, exercises and assignments help me to open my mind and can be creative to solve all the problems.