MOANA movie is one of DISNEP PRODUCTION and it has been released on November 2016. The story, design, and characters are based on Indian style. This is one of the example of different animation musical movie with others because it has own characteristic in Indian style.
The character of this movie is not only human, but also they put the character of giant crab, Tamatoa who has steal the heart of Te Fiti.
Tamatoa utilized Maui to steal the Te Fiti heart. However, there's a village who has the history of Te Fiti. The name of the chief village is Tui and his wife is Sina. Tui always bans Moana, his daughter to go to the edge of the beach because it's very dangerous.
However, when Moana was child, her grandma, Gramma Tala told the history of Te Fiti and as through the sea has chosen Moana to take again the Te Fiti heart from Maui. Gramma Tala gives her trust to her grandchild to return the heart into the Te Fiti, although it's so far from the village.
At the first time, Moana is doubt and afraid to go to the beach ad sail go to the Te Fiti place. Moreover, she needs to find Maui who has stolen the heart before.
The struggle of Moana to return the heart is not easy. This is the first time for Moana to sail to other place. She doesn't understand how to arrange the sails according to the wind direction. Moreover, she can't read the stars aas the direction to go to Te Fiti place. However, she get the helps from Maui.
In the middle of journey, Maui has given up to help Moana because the hook of Maui has been taken by Kakamora, mini soldier. Without the hook, Maui lose his confidence and finally he gives up and leaves Moana in her boat.
When Moana sees Maui has gone, Moana feels so down and she feels that she can not continue her journey. She loses her confidence as well and she also doubt whether the sea really calls her to retur the Te Fiti heart which is very hard challenge for her.
When Moana feels sad and regret of her decision, suddenly Gramma Tala's soul appears and gives support to her grandchild to be confident and also to be trust to herself. Because of the support, Moana rises agian and she is more confident now to finish this calling.
At the end, Maui also returns and help Moana to put again the heart of Te Fiti. It's not easy to put again the heart to Te Fiti, because without the heart Te Fiti becomes so scary and tries to kill Moana and Maui. However, Moana has successed to make Te Fiti calm down and after the heart has put again, Te Fiti changes into green lady again and all her surrounding becomes normal again.
After realize, Te Fiti doesn't speak too much, she only speaks with her eyes and her smile. Because of bravery and the responsibility, Maui can get back his hook. Maui is very happy, with Moana they come back to the village. By success to return the heart of Te Fiti, Moana can show to her parents that she is brave and Moana is ready to replace her father position as the chief village.
This is the example of header advertisement for Moana Movie. The writing of Moana itself can show what the story about. The letter of O can show the water which is suitable with the situation of this story. It's not to much text, but people can understand what it is about.
LITTLE MOANA is a clever, and brave child. When her father bans her to go to the edge of beach, she always go there and play with the water.
MOANA who has grown as a juvenile woman can not lie to herself that she feels the calling of the sea to go there and tries to sail to other place. She can feels that the sea asks her to return the Te Fiti's heart as soon as possible. Although, she is doubt and can not do sailing, but she tries to obey her grandma's commands. She only needs to be supported by other people that she can do it well if she believe with herself.
TUI AND SINA are Moana's parents. Tui is a humble father and a chief village. Tui and Sina are always love Moana, their daughter. That's why Tui always bans Moana to go out from the village.
GRAMMA TALA is Moana's Grandma who always support Moana to return the Te Fiti's heart. Although she is sick, she never stops to give the support until Moana success to do her task very well.
MAUI is the person who help Moana sails to the Te Fiti place. He can't live without his hook, but because of his responsibility and his cares, he returns to help Moana again.
TAMATOA is a villainous giant crab who has utilized Maui to steal the Te Fiti heart.
KAKAMORA is the batch of mini soldiers which has stolen Maui hook. They also prevent Moana and Maui to go to Te Fiti place.
HEI HEI is a chicken who has been Moana's friend. HEI HEI is unique and funny character with his behaviour. A long as the journey, Hei Hei is always with Moana and Maui.
PUA is a small pig with white and black dots pattern in his skin. He is also Moana's pet.
Overall, I really enjoy the illustration, animation and the story. This movie has success to show the characteristic of Indian style with sea as the main place. From this story, I can learn that ifyou want to finish your task, don't care whether it is hard or not, you need to trust with yourself if you don't want to regret in the future.