Critical Reading and Writing Class
Critical Reading and Writing Class is one of the subject that I need to take in Degree course. In this subject, I learn about critical thinking, critical reflection, reflective models, arguments, identifying assumptions and flawed arguments, browsing and evaluating, APA references, critical writing and making notes.
There are 2 types of assignments. The first one is the Weekly Essay which asked the students to write an essay according to what they have learned in class. The second assignment is Persuasive Essay.
The topic for the Persuasive Essay is about Plastic Surgery with main question "Should Plastic Surgery be Illegal for pre-teens? This topic is same with individual presentation for Professional Communication Skills class. So, it saves time when I need to do research for same topic.
Personally, this subject is quite difficult, because sometimes it's hard to identify which one is conclusion, description, arguments and reasons. However, critical thinking is also very important for a designer. It is because, it can help us to be more careful when we want to decide something.